Service to the Profession
Committee Membership and Other Leadership Roles
Member of the Committee for the Ethics of Science at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), 2023-
Member of the ALLEA (All European Academies) Permanent Working Group Science and Ethics, 2023-
Member of the Board of Directors of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), 2022-
Mentor in the mentoring programme of the Österreichische Studienstiftung (Austrian Study Foundation) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), 2022-
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Who Am I? Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) Project, consisting of more than 77 research teams grouped in 7 laboratories across France, 2021-
Member of the Award Committee for the 2022 Prize Question of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Member of the Award Committee for the 2022 Wolfgang Stegmüller Award, Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (German Society for Analytic Philosophy) (GAP) (responsible for the area of philosophy of science)
Member of the nomination committee of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie (German Society for Philosophy of Science) (GWP), 2021
Services to the Department
Member of the Steering Committee of the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (VDP) at the University of Vienna, August 2020-
Member of the Non-Supervisory VDP Faculty, August 2020-
Member of the VDP Hiring Committee, August 2020-
Member of three Habilitation Committees, University of Vienna, December 2020-May 2021, May-December 2021, summer 2022-
Convenor of the seminar series at EGENIS, The Centre for the Study of Life Sciences, University of Exeter, July 2017- Juni 2018
Reviewing of Research Applications
Member of the Review College of the Research Foundation – Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen, FWO), 2022-
Member of the Award Committee for the Go.Investigatio Fellowship Program 2021 of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2022
Member of the College of Expert Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (ESF), 2021-
Reviewing for the Who Am I? Laboratorium of Excellence (Labex) Project, 2021-
Reviewing for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2021-
Reviewing for the Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen – FWO), February 2021
Reviewing of Manuscripts for Journals: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Dialectica; Erkenntnis; European Journal for Philosophy of Science; History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences; Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry; The Journal of Philosophical Research; Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences; Philosophical Studies; Philosophy of Science; Ratio; Synthese
Reviewing for Publishing Houses: Oxford University Press, Routledge
Member of Conference Programme Committees: Fourth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP), 15th-17th August 2022, Berlin, Germany; Conference “Real Possibilities, Indeterminism and Free Will”, organised by Professor Thomas Müller, 18th-21st March 2015, Constance/Germany
Organisation of Conferences
“Persistence in Stability”, 2-day workshop, University of Bonn/Germany, 4th-5th July 2022 (originally planned for March 2020, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic), co-organised with Florian Fischer.
“Process Biology”, 3-day interdisciplinary conference of the research project A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology; co-organised with J. Dupré, S. Güttinger, D. Nicholson, The Royal Society of Great Britain, London/UK, 21st-23rd March 2018.
“Process Epistemology”, 1-day workshop, key-note speaker: William Bechtel (San Diego), commentators: John Dupré & Sabina Leonelli, further speakers included: Anne Sophie Meincke, Stephan Güttinger, Daniel Nicholson, Niccoló Tempini, Adam Toon (all Exeter); co-organised with S. Leonelli, S. Güttinger, D. Nicholson, University of Exeter/UK, 25th May 2017.
“Organisms: Living Systems and Processes”, 2-day interdisciplinary conference of the research project A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology with contributions by Eva Boon (Eindhoven), John Dupré (Exeter), Antony Galton (Exeter), Stephan Güttinger (Exeter), Sui Huang (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle), Johannes Jaeger (Konrad Lorenz Institute, Klosterneuburg), Marie I. Kaiser (Bielefeld), Anne Sophie Meincke (Exeter), Alvaro Moreno (San Sebastián), Daniel Nicholson (Exeter), Bernd Rosslenbroich (Witten-Herdecke), Astrid Schrader (Exeter), Davide Vecchi (Lisbon); co-organised with John Dupré, EGENIS, The Centre for the Study of Life Sciences, University of Exeter/UK, 9th-10th March 2017 (speakers were partly selected through a call for papers).
“Biological Identity”, 2-day international conference with contributions by Ellen Clarke (Oxford), John Dupré (Exeter), Arantza Etxeberria (San Sebastián), Philippe Huneman (Paris), Anne Sophie Meincke (Exeter), Alvaro Moreno (San Sebastián), Matteo Mossio (Paris), David S. Oderberg (Reading), Eric T. Olson (Sheffield), Thomas Pradeu (Bordeaux), Paul Snowdon (London), Denis Walsh (Toronto); co-organised with J. Dupré, Institute of Philosophy, London/UK, 2nd-3rd June 2016.
“Determinism/ Indeterminism in Nature. Agency – Genetics – Quantum Mechanics”, 1-day interdisciplinary workshop with John Dupré (Exeter) and contributions by Michael Brownnutt (Dep. of Experimental Physics, Innsbruck), Josef Quitterer (Dep. of Christian Philosophy, Innsbruck), Anne Sophie Spann (née Meincke) (Dep. of Christian Philosophy, Innsbruck), Gabriele Werner-Felmayer (Dep. of Biological Chemistry, Biocenter, Medical University Innsbruck) & Johannes Zschocke (Dep. of Human Genetics, Medical University, Innsbruck); Innsbruck/Austria, 13th March 2014.
“The Ontological Commitments of Dispositionalism”, 3-day international conference of the Austrian Science Fund-Research Project Powers and the Identity of Agents with contributions by Rani Lill Anjum (UMB Oslo), Ruth Groff (St. Louis University), John Heil (Washington University in St. Louis), Jonathan Jacobs (St. Louis University), Max Kistler (Sorbonne, Paris), Anna Marmodoro (Oxford), Stephen Mumford (Nottingham), Josef Quitterer (Innsbruck), Edmund Runggaldier (Innsbruck), Anne Sophie Spann (née Meincke) (Innsbruck), Neil Williams (Buffalo), Innsbruck/Austria; co-organised with D. Wehinger, 31st July - 2nd August 2013.
“Vermögen und Handlung. Der dispositionale Realismus und unser Selbstverständnis als Handelnde”, 3-day conference of the Austrian Science Fund-Research Project Powers and the Identity of Agents with contributions by Georg Gasser (Innsbruck), Philipp Hübl (Stuttgart), Eva-Maria Jung (Münster), Christian Kanzian (Innsbruck), Geert Keil (Berlin), Erasmus Mayr (Oxford), Uwe Meixner (Augsburg), Markus Schrenk (Köln), Anne Sophie Spann (née Meincke) (Innsbruck), Barbara Vetter (Berlin); co-organised with D. Wehinger, Innsbruck/Austria, 26th-28th September 2012.
Organisation of a Conference Session with Refereed Presentations
“The Biology and Metaphysics of Free Will” with talks by myself (“Maximising Efficiency in an Indeterministic World: The Free Will of Biological Agents”), Professor Björn Brembs (“The Neurobiology of Probabilistic Actions”) & Professor Eva Jablonka (“The Feeling of Free Will“), Conference of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), Laurel Hollow, NY, USA, 14th July 2021 (online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Organisation of Guest Lectures
Professor Steven French (Exeter, 22nd May 2017: guest lecture plus small workshop)
Professor John Dupré (Innsbruck, 12th March 2014: guest lecture plus interdisciplinary 1-day workshop)
Professor Thomas Buchheim (Innsbruck, 14th November 2012)
PD Dr Ludger Jansen (Innsbruck, 2nd May 2012)
Professor Marcus Willaschek (Munich, 3rd November 2010)
Chairing at Conferences with Refereed Presentations
Workshop “Formal Accounts of Powers, Processes and Change”, organised by the Scientific Network “Change and Change-Makers”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), online, 9th-10th December 2021.
Conference “Compatibilist Libertarianism: Advantages and Challenges”, organised by the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy in collaboration with the Düsseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science and the Inductive Metaphysics research group, online, 29th October 2021.
3rd Conference of the German Society of the Philosophy of Science (GWP), Session “Biomedicine”, University of Cologne, Germany, 25th February 2019.
10th International Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP.10) Plurality in Philosophy and Beyond, University of Cologne/Germany, Section “Metaphysics and Ontology”, Cologne/Germany, 18th September 2018.
92nd Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Session “Persons”, University of Oxford/UK, 7th July 2018.
Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), Session “Scientific Change”, University of Exeter/UK, 8th September 2017.
Conference of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Session “Identity and Individuality”, University of São Paulo/Brazil, 18th July 2017.
2nd Conference of the German Society of the Philosophy of Science (GWP), Session “Philosophy of the Life Sciences”, Düsseldorf/Germany, 10th March 2016.
10th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, Session “Metaphysics and Ontology”, Innsbruck/Austria, 4th June 2015.
Memberships of Professional Organisations and Learned Societies
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (German Society for Philosophy) (DGPhil)
European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (German Society for Analytic Philosophy) (GAP)
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Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie (German Society for the Philosophy of Science) (GWP)
International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)
Junge Akademie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
S.P.O.T. (Society for Philosophy of Time), http://s-p-o-t.weebly.com/